July 20, 2009

SCRUM study meeting

I talked about the self-organization in scrum study society and performed a workshop.

April 25, 2009

"ask how there should have been originally always"

There is the feeling that various peace led to.

At first it is a lecture of Mr. Mary Pppendic in Agile Japan2009 Conf.
From the quotation of the story of the mason of Peter Ferdinand Drucker. (In quotation what from another document, are the nuances different?)There were three masons.
People in there "what do you do?" I asked it with ".
I answered it that the first mason "ate a meal in this".
I answered it that the second "showed the best skill".
I answered it that the third could be "built at a church".
When a problem happened, I can cope flexibly, and it is the third that a meaning is going to do a certain device.
In addition, it is the third to feel worth doing most.

I do not seem to let them do the assembly operation till the car is used to an on-site worker how in Toyota by a user and understands how there is the significance of existence.  I watch the video of the concept and gather members and perform study party.
It is a way to let a mason be conscious of a church.

How will by development of the software.
A task is assigned and begins to make it based on the specifications which somebody made.  As for the person in charge, will I see "a church?"
The church of the IT software thinks that it is contribution to society generated by how software influences the business of the company and the business.
Technology of business modeling such as the demand development should be effective for maintaining the state that it understands.  

This is just applied to the dimension of various demands.  They a company, society, the earth, the life, a family, an area, health, a project, community.
There is the individual in the demand (or you may express it in other words with a purpose, an unpleasant course) of these various scopes.  It thinks like any case being important to make relations with them a state to show.

For example, "a demand" at the levels that is personal is a trip, and is the life, and is a family, and is healthy, and this is seen at a mind map level; seem to be able to make it it.  
As for this, the modeling of the demand development just suggests every possibility that I can particularly apply.

The words that appeared as philosophy of the Toyota production method that it was a lecture of Kuroiwa to "ask how there should have been originally always" it, and appeared.
It is always structure to help it that it searches it, in fact, what a thing equal to the church of the mason is, and the thing creates it to continue asking how there should be originally it.